A Place With A View

The Three Branches of the Sydenham River Outside Our Window (Dana Haggith 2016)

There is no denying it; our location houses a deep history and one of the most scenic views in Wallaceburg. Situated at the basin of Sydenham River’s three branches we are in awe of the year-around spectacular views.

The Historical Magnolia

Backing on to the water allows us a front row view of the many water events and activities that take place, which include the individual winter activities like skating and snowmobiling to the wonderful summer events like WAMBO, the Legion’s fishing derby and the Dragon Boat Races. While sitting under the historical Magnolia tree, it is enjoyable to observe the young ducklings scurry down the river catching up with their parents.

Join us for a work-out or two while enjoying the most magnificent views from the windows of our exercise room or enjoy a rest afterwards by the river’s edge.

Summer Concert Series (2019)

Sign up as a volunteer and enjoy the delightful experiences of the events that take place outside our doors. The perfection of nature and the community hub sits just beyond our walls.

The Wallaceburg Adult Activity Centre a great place with a view.

Our Neighbourhood Dragonfly in for a Visit.

Visit the Wallaceburg Adult Activity Centre.
We are open Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 5:30pm

Call 519-627-6224 Our Location
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