Banding Together as a Community

Many Hands Create a Delicious Outcome (WAMBO Bake Sale 2018)

Nothing can get done by one person; it takes a team to keep things running smoothly. When we band together, we can make the changes we are hoping for. Our individual perspectives, skills and time will make a world of difference in the community and the Centre.

Can You Smell What the Centre is Cooking (WAMBO 2018)

There is one Community Event if it were not for our volunteers, the fundraiser we host would never be a spectacular success; WAMBO. Even though it is a busy time, our volunteers give of themselves to help in raising funds while bring smiles to the faces of so many; from those donating homemade bake goods to those tending the barbecue. We cannot forget those who are on their feet all day dishing out pie and ice cream. By banding together as a community, we share in laughter and smiles while paying it forward to others.

The Beaming success of Teamwork. (WAMBO 2018)

The Wallaceburg Adult Activity Centre a great place to volunteer and have fun.

The Pie and Ice Cream Team
Serving up Tasty Treats on A Hot Summer Day.

Visit the Wallaceburg Adult Activity Centre.
We are open Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 5:30pm

Call 519-627-6224 Our Location
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