Message from Wallaceburg Activity Centre Board of Directors:

 Hello! We are hoping our members are in good health.  As Ontario slowly re-opens, WAAC Board of Directors has been working diligently behind the scenes preparing for WAAC’s gradual reopening.  Every activity, every class, every building room, every item are under assessment per government risk guidelines and regulations.  We cannot return to the way we used to do things; we can plan to offer modified activities where feasible.  Monday, October 5, 2020 is our tentative gradual reopen date.  Activities that involve close social contact are not permitted. Therefore the drop-in, social visit aspect so dearly used at our Centre, sadly remains suspended.  Only preregistered, prepaid activities will be offered at this point.  Rest assured, our social media platforms, WAAC website and Facebook will continue to offer healthy and educational links to stay fit, stay connected and enjoy.  As more details become finalized, members will be informed.

We further take this time to thank and introduce three interim Board Members: Peter Hensel, Nancy Bowers-Ivanski and Sheldon Parsons, who graciously stepped in to fill gaps on the Board. Peter, Nancy and Sheldon all bring a wealth of experience, expertise and business connections that have been invaluable.  Through these unprecedented times, the Board has been working hard to keep abreast of all relevant Pandemic related Government regulations, to vision a new way of offering services and to search for alternate funding to help offset the loss of many of our fundraising activities. We remain hopeful and appreciate all the supportive messages. Stay safe everyone! 

Visit the Wallaceburg Adult Activity Centre.
We are open Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 5:30pm

Call 519-627-6224 Our Location
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