Onward and Upward

Wallaceburg Motto, Onward and Upward.

Wallaceburg is such a unique community and has been trail blazers for others. We are much more than a community we are a network of support. This is clearly evident when situations arise within our little town, how we band together to change the outcome that was being seen. From saving our hospital to helping those in need, the community spirit of love, generosity and lending a hand always prevails. 

True to the Wallaceburg Motto “Onward and Upward” that is how we flow.

1975 Board

For over 45 years, The Wallaceburg Adult Activity Centre has been a fundamental and essential pillar of support within our community. With a significant moment of our future on the horizon, we look toward the community for help in maintaining the individuality that many have grown to enjoy and love about the Centre.

Board of Directors 2015/16

Without the support of our members and community to sustain an adequate board representation, we will lose our core essence set by our founding members. If we do not meet the slate of board officers required we will subsequently have to transfer governance to the Municipality of Chatham–Kent. Should this come pass, the community as a whole will lose their individual voice, on the direction and future for the Centre.

We believe that no one would like to see this scenario come to pass. Thus, we cordially request your consideration in volunteering and letting your name stand for nomination. 

Partial Board 1979

Please contact Victoria Stewart, our Administrative Coordinator, to inquire more information if you feel the call to help guide us onward and upward as a strong pillar within our community.

Visit the Wallaceburg Adult Activity Centre.
We are open Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 5:30pm

Call 519-627-6224 Our Location
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