Thank You

Thank You Ty GIF - Thank You Ty Thanks GIFs

Our March Madness is over and we want to take this time to thank everyone that joined us. It was a week of rekindling friendships and creating new ones. Join in the fun of activities and programs while look forward to the future.  We are appreciative of everyone who helped out to make this a tremendous success. 

A special thank you to:

Nancy Bowers-Ivanski & Ann Cram for sharing their exciting travelogue of the Galapagos Island.


Larry Cornelis for his educational presentation on Native Trees.

Betty Turner for hosting our successful Euchre games and giving up her seat at the table so other could play.

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If you missed out on the fun and excitement remember our doors are always open for member and non members to visit us. For a nominal fee you can enjoy the activities and programs we have to offer.

Photo by Amina Filkins on

If you are new to the area, stop in today for a tour and let us show you what we have to offer.

Visit the Wallaceburg Adult Activity Centre.
We are open Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 5:30pm

Call 519-627-6224 Our Location
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